Tag Archives: Lamb


6 Oct

Yellow has very quietly become one of my favorite colors.

I see it everywhere. I buy yellow pans. I wear yellow pants.

And this weekend yellow even made it’s way into our dinner.

Head below the jump for Yellow Lamb.

Tables And Vegetables

5 Jun

There are a few things in life that really do go without saying.

But since I’m a little short of ideas for this week’s post, I’m going to say them.  Even a bad day at home is better than a good day at work.  Sometimes the best dinners are the ones you can’t plan for.  A venti Starbucks iced coffee is a great way to jump start motivation.  Ethan Allen, no matter how hard they try, will never be hip.  We desperately need furniture.

Furniture.  Our house is nearly devoid of it, and it’s one of those things you really need to have before you invite people over to spend the weekend.  We have a bed and a table, a few bookcases, many assorted chairs, only one of which is very comfy and very pretty and the couch upon which the turkey sat.  And that’s it.

I have no idea how to go about furnishing a house, let alone a house way out in the middle of nowhere at which we only spend two days a week.  There is no furniture left from when my mom and step-dad combined houses.  It all either went to the Salvation Army or my step-sister.  And I have no idea what happened to all the furniture that used to furnish the houses of my relatives that have moved on, to greener pastures or smaller houses.  I think my family very seriously thought I would never settle down.

Wait, wait, wait…. Furniture? Isn’t this supposed to be a food blog? Things get back on topic below the jump.

Like A Lamb

2 Jan

2009 crept in while I slept.

Hudson River Sunset

For the first time since my age was in single digits, I slept through the transition from old to new year.  And though I would have liked to watch the tail-end of 2008 slink away into the shadows of history, I’m okay with my decision to get some sleep.  It bodes well for the new year. Maybe this one will contain more serenity (and naps) than the last.

For, like many, I am not displeased to have 2008 behind me.  In reality, it was a pretty good year for me.  I got promoted, and we bought the house, we went to Italy, my second nephew was born, I mastered pie crust, went to the county fair, was party to the world’s best dinner party story ever and had a successful surgery that will hopefully keep me hale and healthy for many years to come. These are good things.

But I also worked my tail off in 2008, as did Isaac, and while good things hopefully lie ahead for both of us, we could both use a calm 2009.  So, a toast!  May your 2009 be healthy and happy, full of friends, family and delicious food.  May your house retain its value, may your bank accounts stay in the black and may your new year be as full of naps as your heart desires!

But back to 2008 for one minute.  The thing that I have spent the most time thinking about during my break away from the blog has been recipes.  Turns out that, after careful consideration, the writing of recipes is the thing that keeps me from posting more frequently.  You see, I’m not a very organized or disciplined person when it comes to cooking.

Click here for more sheep.