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9 Feb

Snowboarding In The City

I came out of the Union Square subway station yesterday morning and was instantly confused.  There was a Greenmarket on.  This usually happens on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.  I actually had to ask one of the vendors what day it was.  He confirmed that it was in fact Thursday.  So why were they there?  To feed hungry snowboarders.  Huh?  He said, turn around.  And there, when I did, was a little mini-mountain of snow and a whole gaggle of boarders.

Boarding In Union Square

They were just setting up for a big competition that was to occur later that night. So I went back on my trip home.  The kids weren’t going too hard, I guess the fear of landing on concrete is a mighty one, but it was an amazing thing to witness in the middle of the City’s hustle and bustle.

Boarding In Union Square

Ah, New York… You just never know what you’re going to find around the next corner.